
About the Religious Rights Coalition

A Voice For Choice Advocacy is a non-profit organization that advocates for people’s rights to be fully informed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. AVCFA has established itself as a leading legislative organization lobbying in the California Capitol for your health rights, over the past 7 years.  AVFCA has taken a position on vaccine legislation since 2015, including SB277, SB276 and SB714.  They were able to defeat SB18, the Children’s Bill of Rights, and got significant amendments to AB992 to allow parents to opt out of vaccines during home visits, without discrimination.  AVFCA also worked with Assembly Member Cristina Garcia to author and get AB1989, The Menstrual Products Right to Know Act, enacted into law in 2020. (www.avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org)

California Health Coalition Advocacy is a non-profit organization which initiates and influences laws and policies to expand, protect, and promote the health and well-being of Californians. CHCA founders came together in 2017 and officially launched as a 501(c)4 in 2018. CHCA has spent five years lobbying at the Capitol, with the last year and a half focused on protecting the civil liberties of Californians, specifically the fundamental right to make health care decisions based on research, experience, the advice from health care professionals, and religious and conscientious beliefs. (www.californiahealthcoalitionadvocacy.org)

Educate.Advocate. is a California statewide grassroots non-profit organization that serves families with children with special needs and disabilities. Educate.Advocate’s primary mission is to ensure that families are not discriminated against, segregated, ostracized or treated as though there are two tiers in society. Rather Educate.Advocate strives to ensure equity and equal access is available to all. (www.educateadvocateca.com)