Religious Rights Coalition

The Religious Rights Coalition is currently working on legislation to protect the religious rights of families and individuals to make health decisions, without coercion, discrimination, or segregation, based on religious and conscientious beliefs. This includes the existence of religious and conscientious beliefs exemptions from required vaccines, with those exempted retaining the ability to fully access, without onerous restrictions, in-person employment, education, public resources, and any other function of society.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 grants employees in every state the right to religious accommodations to vaccines that are required as a condition of employment, but this protection is not currently extended to children who attend public and private schools in California.

Legislation is needed now that would allow students conscientious and religious beliefs exemptions from required vaccines, with those exempted retaining the ability to fully access in-person education.

Other legislation might also include expanding current religious exemptions/ accommodations available to adults to include retaining the ability to fully access, without discrimination, segregation, or onerous restrictions, in-person employment, education, public resources, and any other function of society.

If you support safeguarding these rights, please add your name to the list of religious leaders, faith-based organizations, school representatives, and individuals who support conscientious and religious beliefs exemptions. 

Click on the appropriate category below to sign on in support: